New Chess Videos for September 17 – 21
Monday, September 17
IM Valeri Lilov Advantage in Pieces | Strategy, Middlegame
Having an advantage of pieces can be a little frustrating if one does not know how to use and coordinate them so well. Check IM Lilov’s video to learn the key techniques!
Tuesday, September 18
IM Bill Paschall Mamadyarov Dominates in Biel 2018, Part 3 | Middlegame, Endgame
Mamedyarov wins again with a simple opening and excellent technique. Against Carlsen he has some luck, as their growing rivalry seems to have encouraged Carlsen to take some unnecessary risks in this game. Instead of playing to equalize with Black , Carlsen chooses complicated continuations at several junctures and ends up dropping a pawn. The resulting opposite bishop and rook endgame is typical and difficult to play for both sides. Carlsen slips in time pressure this time around.
Wednesday, September 19
FM Dennis Monokroussos The Combination of the Year? | Tactics
The year isn’t over, but any list of the year’s best games and certainly its best combinations will have to include Paravyan-Golubov from the Korchnoi Memorial Open. Paravyan played an interesting sideline against the Petroff, and then sacrificed a pawn. Black accepted the gambit but an error a couple of moves later gave Paravyan the chance to win material. That would have been okay, and had White played that way and won routinely only Paravyan and Golubov would remembered the game in the months and years to come. Instead, Paravyan went for a dazzling and brilliant idea instead, winning with a couple of the most spectacular moves you’ll ever see (and Golubov found a brilliant defensive idea at one moment too). This is the kind of game we all hope to play someday.
Thursday, September 20
GM Eugene Perelshteyn Hidden Tricks in the Exchange Slav | Openings, Tactics
Don’t be fooled by the drawish nature of the Exchange Slav. In this game GM Perelshteyn shows you one of his games from World Open where his opponent almost fell for a hidden trick. Can you find it? Black managed to survive the opening but found himself with a weak king. The attack is very instructive and there’s a bonus at the end. Can you find the killer decoy tactic?
Friday, September 21
GM Nadya Kosintseva Play the Taimanov Sicilian (2…e6), Part 3 | Strategy, Tactics
Today we will finish the sharpest lines of the Taimanov Variation when White castles long followed by a quick pawn advance on the king side. We will learn the system with 7.Qd2 Nf6 8. 0-0-0 and then 8…Bb4. This move order forces White to guard the e4-point by means of f3. Black’s dark-squared bishop is pretty annoying and at some point can be exchanged for the c3-knight weakening the white pawn formation around the king. However, this trade is not always so good for Black due to his weak dark-squares in the center. Sometimes, Black moves it back even without White’s a3 in order to clear the route for the pawns. We will go over White’s main options to see what Black can do to organize counter play either on the queen side or in the center.