New Chess Videos for July 2 – 6

Monday, July 2
IM Bill Paschall Top Flight Fights – Russian Team Champs 2018, Part 4 | Opening, Middlegame

Young Russian talent GM Fedoseev takes a page out of Magnus Carlsen’s playbook. In this encounter with GM Najer; himself a tough customer , Fedoseev borrows a new idea based on an early queen capture with White on d4 in the Sicilian. The game is further evidence that against well prepared players it may be best to simply “take them out of book” . Fedoseev displays creative attacking and defensive skills in this thrilling back and forth slug fest.

Tuesday, July 3
IM David Vigorito Shankland’s Power Finish at the US Champ 2018, Part 2 | Opening, Middlegame

In the last round of the U.S. Championship, only a win would do, and Sam again rises to the occasion. Playing the aptly named Awonder Liang, Sam is (only slightly) taken aback by the Caro-Kann. Sam picks a solid line, which runs into a shocking move in the opening! I myself played the Caro Kann many times, but I had never seen this idea. It turns out that Sam did know the idea, and had a surprise of his own! So Black was the one who was caught, and he reached a dismal positional. Sam played quickly and confidently, and now rather famously, scored one of the biggest upsets in U.S. Championship history.

Wednesday, July 4
FM Dennis Monokroussos Buy that Newspaper! | Strategy

In what may have been one of the single most important chess games of the cold war era, and what probably was the most important game of Lev Polugaevsky’s notable chess life, the game, match, and probably a trip to the world chess championship was determined by one player (or someone on his team) buying a newspaper and the other player (or his team) not doing so. The full story is just a click away…

Thursday, July 5
GM Nadya Kosintseva Choosing to Double Your Pawns | Tactics

Many of you may have heard before that doubled pawns are not always bad pawns but during the games it might still be challenging to evaluate them correctly. What’s more, many of you may have a prejudice regarding doubled pawns and even if in theory you understand that sometimes these pawns can be beneficial compared to regular pawns, in practice you may instinctively neglect some interesting opportunities just because they are involve accepting doubled pawns. In this lecture, I will show you two interesting examples of non-obvious practical decisions when one side let another side to worsen his pawns as a way to fight for the initiative.

Friday, July 6
GM Bryan Smith Coffeehouse Chess, Part 12 | Strategy

In the latest installment of “Coffeehouse Chess”, Bryan Smith shows one of his own games – a wild and adventurous battle from the Karpos Open in Skopje, Macedonia.