Daily Archives: July 30, 2017

New Chess Videos for July 31 – August 4

Monday, July 31 IM Valeri Lilov Pros and Cons of an Early Attack (middlegame, strategy)
On occasion, we often witness early attacks on a different level. They are sometimes successful, while other times, not. In this video, IM Lilov sets the ground rules and exceptions of an early attack and how to handle it from each side.

Tuesday, August 1 IM Bill Paschall Petrosian on the King’s Indian Attack, Part 1 (opening, strategy)
Petrosian plays the King’s Indian attack against the London System setup of Max Euwe. Black gives up the central strong point at d5 and white is able to gain a significant space advantage. In the middlegame Euwe voluntarily gives up his bishop pair and White converts in the endgame with good technique owing to several factors: space, the two bishops and king safety.

Wednesday, August 2 FM Dennis Monokroussos Counterattack in the Center Game (tactics)
Magnus Carlsen was in great form in the rapid & blitz event in Leuven, Belgium. Even in blitz, he won games that would satisfy almost anyone else if played in rapid or even classical chess. One such example came in his black game against Ian Nepomniachtchi. “Nepo” has occasionally used the Center Game over the years, and this time he tried something new in the opening – 8.Qf4. (Not a novelty, but a rare move and new to his games.) Carlsen rose to the occasion, and at a critical moment when most players would have replied with a purely defensive move, he found an excellent counterattacking idea that put a stop to his opponent’s attacking dreams and seized the initiative. Carlsen won quickly and impressively, and the game has some theoretical value as well.

Thursday, August 3 GM Leonid Kritz Do Not Trap Yourself In Creativity (tactics)
A game in which Black tried a nice-looking idea in a well-known position and was punished according to the best rules of contemporary chess. The moral is simple: in most cases – 99% of the time – whatever line is not played today, it is not played for a reason!

Friday, August 4 GM Eugene Perelshteyn Miniature in the Queen’s Gambit Accepted (opening, tactics)
It is not often that you will see a game in under 25 moves with Black vs a GM-elect! Yet, this is exactly what GM Perelshteyn is able to do in a newly fashionable line of the QGA. Black sacrifices a pawn, then an exchange, then another pawn…and it looks scary. Yet, activity prevails over material as White finds himself with a king stuck in the center and with pretty rook corners the mating attack cannot be stopped!