Daily Archives: September 17, 2017

New Chess Videos for September 18 – 22

Monday, September 18 IM Valeri Lilov Importance of Center and Space (strategy)
In a recent tournament game, the Dutch Grandmaster Erwin L’ami proved how to effectively combine the two most important concepts in strategy: Center and Space. Tune in to IM Lilov’s lecture to learn more!

Tuesday, September 19 IM Bill Paschall Petrosian on the King’s Indian Attack, Part 6 (openings, strategy)
Black plays passively against the KIA and White gains a serious space advantage on the kingside. White exploits the weak dark squares in the position and attempts to then gain a spacial advantage on both sides. Petrosian then breaks through decisively with a temporary piece sacrifice and a powerful king.

Wednesday, September 20 FM Dennis Monokroussos Breaching the Gates of the Vienna Variation (tactics)
The Vienna Variation is one of the sharpest options available to Black against 1.d4, and when Black plays sharply it’s especially important to be precise – one mistake can be fatal. That’s what happened in this 2016 game. White gambited a pawn and then a piece for two pawns for a very dangerous attack. Black had one way to survive, but to find it and work it out over the board (rather than on one’s engine in the comfort of one’s study) was asking a bit too much of Black. She didn’t manage it, and lost a very nice game.

Thursday, September 21 GM Leonid Kritz An Unusual Najdorf Line (openings, strategy)
Great game by Hou Yifan, who strategically outplays Navara without giving him a chance. She introduces an interesting opening construction with a long (queenside) castle where you would not think it makes sense, but at the end of the day her plan completely pays off.

Friday, September 22 GM Eugene Perelshteyn The Power of the Attacking Knight Outpost (strategy, tactics)
We all know that rook is better than a knight. But never underestimate the power of the attacking outpost! In this game, White shows how a knight can dominate a rook. Watch and learn and try to find a nice bonus tactic in the end!