Daily Archives: May 26, 2020

New Chess Videos for May 25 – 29

Monday, May 25
IM Bill Paschall – Candidates 2020: Bad Timing for Caruana | Opening, Tactics

The round three battle between the two biggest favorites at the World Championship Candidates tournament was highly anticipated! Prior to this game, Caruana started solidly with one and a half points from two rounds while Ding stunned everyone by losing his first two. Logically, one should be cautious against the strongest player in such a tournament and especially when that player is desperate. Fabiano Caruana did not play logically when he uncorked an unbelievable new pawn sacrifice early on as Black in the Slav Defense. Perhaps trying to basically knock Ding out of the tournament, Caruana took a huge risk by sacrificing a key central pawn for chances of attack. The battle was exciting, very tense and worth a deep look!

Tuesday, May 25
GM Eugene Perelshteyn – The Sacrifice That Didn’t Happen in the Sicilian Rossolimo! | Opening, Tactics

In this game GM Perelshteyn shows you a typical plan in the Rossolimo for White, where he gets a powerful attack. However, the sacrifice that happened in the game only led to a perpetual. Eugene felt that White could have gotten more from such a promising position and indeed after some home analysis he uncorks a remarkable quiet move that leads to a spectacular sacrifice. Can you find it?

Wednesday, May 25
FM Dennis Monokroussos – Stockfish vs LeelaChessZero: The Game of the Year? | Opening, Tactics

Leela Chess Zero might have won the match, but the nicest win, by far, belonged to Stockfish. This was a rip-roaring brilliancy in an Open Sicilian, replete with sacrifices and attacking ideas one would expect from human chess but wouldn’t expect to succeed against an opponent rated 3840 (gulp!). On this occasion it did, and it was magnificent. Best of all, unlike many battles between chess engines, it’s comprehensible to us carbon-based life forms. Watch and be amazed.

Thursday, May 25
GM Leonid Kritz – Candidates 2020: The Power of a Passed Pawn | Opening, Tactics

An interesting game where Caruana attempted to refute his opponent’s opening system choice (5…Be7) in the most direct way – by pushing his passed pawn forward as early as possible. He eventually was able to outplay his opponent in the tactical complications that followed.

Friday, May 25
GM Robert Hungaski – A French Winawer Sideline: 4.exd5 | Strategy

In this video I will examine one of White’s most common sidelines: 4.exd5 in the Winawer Variation. This is played a lot at the club level by those that wish to avoid long theoretical discussions. However, the imbalance in the pawn structure provides Black with plenty of opportunities to outplay his opponent. The driving force behind Black’s strategy is the exchange of light-squared bishops, so we should keep this in mind as we navigate through the position.