Daily Archives: July 5, 2020

New Chess Videos for July 6 – 10

Monday, July 6
IM Bill Paschall – A Modern Look at the Original Marshall Gambit | Opening, Tactics

Frank Marshall was an extremely strong player with creative ideas and a very wide opening repertoire. Capablanca, however was a World Champion and capable of playing a virtually perfect game by today’s standards, one hundred years ago. Marshall’s first experiment with this gambit which bears his name was a terrible defeat. Was the opening to blame? Could it be improved to stand the test of time today? Some strong players have fallen victim to the old variation with 11…Nf6 and we are going to investigate the truth!

Tuesday, July 7
GM Eugene Perelshteyn – Ulf’s Positional Exchange Sac in the English Opening | Strategy

In this game Ulf Andersson gives a lesson to a young Yasser Seirawan on positional chess. White slowly organizes his army to control the b5 and d5 outposts in the Symmetrical English. Black however keeps the position closed and finds a way to deter White from playing Nd5 by putting his own knight on b4. Yet, the unexpected shocker happens out of the blue. Can you spot White’s strategic idea? The rest is very instructive positional domination by Ulf!

Wednesday, July 8
Dennis Monokroussos – Avoid Suicidal Attacking Play! | Tactics

Two young elite GMs, Vladislav Artemiev and Santosh Vidit, entered a rare line of the Torre Attack and the game sharpened immediately. Vidit sacrificed a pawn for nebulous compensation, but the position was complicated, the time control was short, and Vidit’s pieces were active.

To enhance what he hoped would be his attacking potential he castled long, aiming to open the center and blast away at White’s uncastled king. We see things like this all the time, and it’s often a good idea. Often – but not here! White immediately went over to the attack, and completely overwhelmed Black. Vidit only got to make one active move the entire rest of the game, and it allowed Artemiev to mate him by force. Beware, friends: sometimes going all-out for the attack will result in a speedy and successful attack…for one’s opponent.

Thursday, July 9
GM Nadya Kosintseva – Play the Caro-Kann Defense – Part 2: Facing 2.c4 | Strategy

In this lecture we will go over 2.c4 move with the idea to aim at the d5 square and be prepared to take two times on d5 when black pushes the d-pawn forward. The positions that arise in this variation are characterized by a structure with a white’s isolated pawn in the middle of the board which, on one hand, gives him some control over the center but, on the other hand, is weaker than other pawns and can be easier attacked by the black pieces.

Friday, July 10
GM Robert Hungaski – Two Knights Defense: More Fried Liver | Strategy

Fate brings us once again back to the Fried Liver. In the comments section one of our members has correctly pointed out that we are yet to cover one of Black’s most important sidelines, which arises after 8.Bd3 Ng4!? This is a trendy move and one of Black’s most practical choices. It’s not necessarily a bad or even a dubious move for Black, but with accurate play it should lead to a somewhat unpleasant endgame. The upside is that Black takes the game down a forced path, where a slight inaccuracy by White could spell disaster. So we must be well prepared!