New DVD A Weapon for Black Against the Ruy Lopez by GM Josh Friedel

A Weapon for Black Against the Ruy Lopez by GM Josh Friedel

Recommended for Intermediate – Advanced Players

Content: 2 hours and 51 minutes of instruction and analysis in a series of 6 lectures.

Learn to fight back dynamically with GM Friedel’s pet system against the Ruy Lopez. A clear explanation of the Archangel Defense for Black against the Ruy Lopez from a GM Practitioner. 

Members of rated this series a 3.58 out of 5

Fans on said: Excellent lecture on the Archangel! Thank you.

GM Josh Fridel achieved the National Master rating at age 13 and gained his IM title in August of 2005. His tournament victories are many, including the 2001 Pan Am Open, and the 2005 Queen City Open. Josh earned his first GM norm by winning the Berkeley Masters tournament in 2005. Josh became a Grandmaster in 2008 Josh continues to play in chess tournaments around the globe.

Six lectures professionally mastered by the publisher/ New in Box and just released!

About Susan Manley

Hello and its nice to meet you. I am a 30 year veteran of the computer game industry and partner in I have a background in development, marketing and business analysis and I am a fan of Chess. I have been online since the early 80s.

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