New DVD of the week Aggressive Pawn Chains by GM Eugene Perelshteyn

Aggressive Pawn Chains

by GM Eugene Perelshteyn

 Recommended for Beginner – Intermediate Players

Presented by International Grandmaster Eugene Perelshtyen for

In this DVD Eugene stresses “It is the pawns that define our middle game, attacking potential and control of empty squares”. Gain his insight and strategically winning tips. Instructive tips about keeping the tension in a position, both in theory and in practice. More

ECO: B23

Content: 53 Minutes of chess theory and discussion, with example games, over a series of 3 lectures.

Members of rated this series a 4.8 out of 5

Fans on said: I now understand how these pawn chains create a powerful attack by seizing a space advantage when your pieces will have superior maneuvering possibilities. Excellent!!! video, keep up the series Eugene!!

About Susan Manley

Hello and its nice to meet you. I am a 30 year veteran of the computer game industry and partner in I have a background in development, marketing and business analysis and I am a fan of Chess. I have been online since the early 80s.

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